5.4.3. Public bus transport by buses registered in the country (mill. passenger-km)
  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Austria 10 500 12 500 12 500 12 700 12 900 13 100
Belgium 12 500 11 400 11 900 12 000 12 200 12 400
Czech Republic 11 763 9 729 8 804 8 681 8 649 9 351
Germany 68 500 68 300 68 000 68 200 68 500 69 000
Denmark   10 609 11 367 11 361 11 135 11 173 11 300
Spain 39 600 44 000 44 000 49 400 50 000 50 600
Finland 8 000 8 000 8 000 7 800 7 600 7 700
France 41 000 41 600 42 000 42 700 40 700 45 300
United Kingdom 44 290 44 180 44 200 44 200 45 000 45 000
Greece 20 200 20 400 20 700 21 200 21 500 21 700
Hungary 19 140 19 030 18 820 17 377 17 179 *
Ireland 5 200 5 300 5 500 5 700 5 900 6 100
Italy 87 100 88 700 90 000 90 600 92 500 94 000
Luxembourg 400 400 400 400 900 900
Netherlands 11 800 12 000 12 000 12 600 12 600 12 600
Poland 34 024 33 985 33 129 34 035 33 250 *
Portugal 13 100 13 500 13 500 11 419 11 481 11 800
Sweden 10 100 10 300 10 600 10 700 11 000 11 100
Slovak Republic 11 191 11 097 9 969 8 840 7 833 8 435
Source: EHK/OSN, Eurostat
Note: some countries provide the real data and some countries provide an expert estimation